Thursday, December 10, 2009

I did it!

It took a little time, but I finally figured out how to post some pictures of my jewelry.  I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks! 

These are just a few of the pieces I have made, there I more that I need to photograph. Jocelyn has been my photographer so far, guess I will have to grow up and start taking my own pictures!

If you see something you like or would like to see, feel free to contact me and I will do my best to accomidate you.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well, here it is, my blog spot. My girls have been blogging for a while now. Nicole started a few years ago and Jocelyn started in the last two years and they are both great writers. I really enjoy reading what they post. This year's posts have been bitter sweet. I appreciate the fact that the girls can express themselves so well in the written word. I can only hope and pray that I don't embarrass them with my posts.

All my children and friends have been after me to start something on the web to get my latest compulsion out there in the public eye. That can be a good thing or it could go south real quick depending on what compulsion is up and running that day!

I make jewelry just for the pure joy of making it! I love the challenge of the creation, the combination of materials, etc. I have been making jewelry for over two years now for gifts and myself, but my personality is obsessive compulsive, and I cannot pass up a sale on beading supplies, beads, etc. So, now I have all this jewelry laying around that needs homes. If nothing else just look at some of the pictures and contact me by email if you might be interested some of the pieces.

I will post some pictures for you to browse over and I welcome constructive criticism, no hateful stuff, please. If you enjoy what you see, please drop me a line.